MyChat 2024.4 was released on September 12, 2024.

Whoa, what a break from releases! 5 months without major updates hit differently. However, we did not waste our time, and want to tell you about new features and improvements in this version 🙂

Voice messages on Android application

Finally, you can send annoying voice messages to your teammate! Just joking 🙂 This is actually a very convenient feature, especially if you are a busy person running here and there.

In MyChat for Android, you can record voice messages without holding the record all the time, and cancel an unsent message (for example, if you do not like your current record).

MyChat for Android, voice messages

MyChat for Android. How to record a voice message

Improved information about typing

We have added more information in the notification about the user’s typing process. In MyChat 2024.4, you can also learn about the operating system a user writes from.

Typing info: a user uses an Android application

Various improvements

We have made some changes to MyChat Server’s interface. We have also added new features to the MyChat Client plugin for calls with the option to edit custom settings in a JSON file.

Starting from this version, the iOS application is also secured by a special PIN code that we introduced in version 2024.3.

A full list of all the changes in MyChat 2024.4 is available in the official news article.

Official release article:

MyChat 2024.4 — voice messages on Android and notifications in conferences

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