Active Directory is a service from Microsoft that allows storing structured information for convenient user management in an organization. If a company uses tools for collaboration that work on Windows, integration with Active Directory is essential.

This article describes and explains how to update a self-hosted MyChat messenger in a domain network.

Domain transparent authorization via Active Directory for MyChat users

Imagine opening your laptop, logging in to your Windows account, and your work chat instantly connecting to a corporate server. No typing login information. All the necessary information is taken from AD Organization Units: name, phone number, email, and company structure. MyChat provides all of this.

To make MyChat using transparent authorization, you need to create a file with some information and upload it via GPO (The Help, ph.3, “User transparent authorization in the domain. Setting up the script for MyChat Client automatic launch”).

Installing a corporate chat in one or several domains for the first time

The first option is to deploy MSI files via GPO for all computers with client applications. The method is relevant for large organizations with a big number of employees.

The second one suggests using an EXE installation file. In this case, the program installs on the Windows user’s profile. This option grants additional features during updates. However, this method requires some skills for writing scripts for silent installation

Why installing a messenger’s MSI file to Program Files is wrong?

When an administrator needs to update the messenger, they do it using GPO. But this action requires users to log off and log in to a system that is inconvenient during working hours. Thus, admins sacrifice their time and do it at the end of the day or on weekend. It is what it is 🙂

You do not have to do it when working with MyChat. The software provides an automatic update directly from a server. Stop the server, upload an update, run the server, and client applications automatically download and install the update.

Fast and furious indeed. But only for applications that are not installed in Program Files, and here is why:

  • Windows users work with limited rights. Writing to Program Files is forbidden;
  • UAC bans such actions in a system;
  • some antiviruses do not approve application attempts to update and replace themselves.

How to uninstall MSI but keep working with the same program?

MyChat messenger is a program and a profile with data. These two folders are located in different places with the same name.

After installing the MSI file via Active Directory, the messenger is located in “C:\Program Files (x86)\MyChat Client\», and а profile with data is inв “C:\Users\%USERNAME%\MyChat Client\”.

If you install MyChat Client in a user profile, it looks like this: “C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\NSS\MyChat Client\”.

To switch from MSI and Program Files folder to EXE and Windows profile, follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall MSI. A program deletes but a profile with data remains.
  2. Install MyChat Client via EXE installer to a Windows user’s profile: “C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\NSS\MyChat Client\”.

A profile with data remains in the same location and the program is capable to update automatically from MyChat Server without elevated privileges.

MyChat instant messaging system with AD integration is available on the official website.

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