Today’s digital world brings so many risks of being hacked, that it becomes harder to protect information virtually rather than physically.

We are currently witnessing the rise of Artificial Intelligence which has evolved in so many ways, that it literally affects many aspects of our lives.

Although modern technology aims to help people with routine tasks or generate new ideas, scammers, and hackers do not miss the opportunity to use it for bad actions.

Thus, existing recommendations on keeping personal data safe and protected became partially outdated.

We collected the most relevant tips to minimize the risks of being hacked or scammed.

  • Use unique passwords and multi-factor authentication. It may not completely save your accounts from hacking, but it certainly slows this process. Usually, a person gets notified about suspicious activity, allowing them to take security measures. Use the most random combinations of numbers, letters, and symbols to create strong and reliable passwords.
  • Update software regularly. Being afraid to update software, especially at work, is totally understandable. If something goes wrong, the whole workflow stops. However, not updating increases the chances of being vulnerable to hacking.
  • Be careful with what you share online. The more information about your personality appears online, the more intellectual AI becomes. For example, some websites can scan your social media page and describe you according to the photos and descriptions you provide there.
    Scammers can use such information to build a strategy for social engineering fraud.
  • For organizations: switch from public to on-prem software to be in full control of data both physically and digitally.
  • Be critical of everything you see online. Deepfakes, bots, paid actors — there is a lot to stay away from. Also, be careful with links shared online by strangers because you never know where it leads to.

By following these simple yet useful tips, not only organizations but regular individuals can protect themselves from being hacked.

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